Freeform Rhino workshop, Tilburg

These slides constitute the Rhino day-one (crash) course that was used to teach students at the Fontys Academy of Architecture in Tilburg. They are meant to be for oral presentation and therefore lack the accompanying text. I hope, still, that they might be useful if you need to revise your Rhinoceros skills – or refresh command lists.

Download: pdf slideshowpptx presentation

2 Responses to “Freeform Rhino workshop, Tilburg”

  • shehzad irani Says:

    Hey Giulio,
    great presentation and lucid explanation. Wish there were more presentations like this – students could grasp more esp. in areas where there is a dearth of computer education!!

    you rock…

  • Giulio Piacentino Says:

    Thank you, Shehzad. The curve stuff is something I was introduced to by Axel Kilian, the last project is by Ryoko Ikeda. – Giulio

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