Topological Mesh Editor Weaverbird
see 41 comments | published in Aug 2009 in Experiments & discoveries
Tools for baking objects with name, color; making sections, etc. Grasshopper tools
see 62 comments | published in May 2009 in Experiments & discoveries

A tutorial on how to produce knit surfaces in Grasshopper. Knitting patterns
see 16 comments | published in May 2009 in Experiments & discoveries

Animation made completly in RhinoScript can be easier now. Building motion
see 3 comments | published in Apr 2009 in RhinoScripts

A real physics simulation in Processing with JBullet. Librarian nightmare & dream
see 3 comments | published in Dec 2008 in
Finally, with the release of Processing 1.0, it is possible to run online the Interactive and Landscape Tool as an applet. For this occasion, I thought it would be nice to also open the source code. Explore the Interactive and Landscape Tool
see one comment | published in Dec 2008 in

Envelops should react to their users. And not the opposite. Component wall
see 5 comments | published in Nov 2008 in RhinoScripts

The forms of code produced in Barcelona with RhinoScript. DNA double helix
comment on this | published in Nov 2008 in RhinoScripts, Stories, Workshops

Online application to draw Bezier splines (vector graphics) and their code. Bézienne
see 3 comments | published in Nov 2008 in

Generate surfaces and components from the geometry of a mesh. Sakura, flowers
comment on this | published in Oct 2008 in RhinoScripts

Construct a tree of surfaces made by divisions and multiplications. The tree
see one comment | published in Sep 2008 in RhinoScripts

Simple morphogenesis: each generation translates, scales and rotate. The crown
comment on this | published in Aug 2008 in RhinoScripts

An experiment with cones replication, using a double loop. Micro-macro skin
comment on this | published in Aug 2008 in RhinoScripts

Developed as part of the project for a winery in Piedmont. Interactive Landscape Tool
comment on this | published in Jul 2008 in