Weaverbird – Topological Mesh Editor


Weaverbird is a topological modeler that contains many of the known subdivision and transformation operators, readily usable by designers. Instead of doing the work repeatedly, or sometimes using complicated scripts, this plug-in reconstructs the shape, subdivides any mesh, even made by polylines, and helps preparing for fabrication.


Main topological commands:

catmullClark Catmull-Clark smoothing (wbCatmullClark). Calculates the type of mesh-based recursive subdivision described by Edwin Catmull and Jim Clark, at first in 1978. The resulting mesh always consists of quadrilaterals.

quadSplitSplit mesh into Quads (wbSplitQuad). Calculates a new mesh, which is formed of only quads and generally appears similar to the old one, except that it is welded. It is topologically equivalent to the Catmull-Clark subdivision.

loopLoop smoothing (wbLoop). Calculates the type of mesh-based recursive subdivision described by Charles Loop, at first in his Mathematics thesis in 1987. The resulting mesh always consists of triangular faces.

Split mesh with inner face (wbSplitPolygons). Places a new face departing from the middle of each original face edge. Caps the remaining hole with Sierpinski triangles.

Sierpinsky Triangles subdivision (wbSierpinskyTriangle). Places a triangle in each corner of a mesh face. The mesh will have one more hole per face.

Frame (wbFrame). Computes a new mesh with higher naked edge count, where each face has a new hole in the center and resembles a picture frame. The resulting mesh always consists of quad faces.

carpetCarpet (wbCarpet). Computes a new mesh with higher naked edge count, where each face has a new hole in the center. The resulting mesh always consists of quad faces, and can be used to compute a Sierpinski carpet.

windowWindow (wbWindow). Replaces each original mesh face with a new one, reconstructed on the inside. Each face has the same number of sides as the original one.

New mesh primitives definitions:

wbPrism, wbAntiPrism, wbPyramid, DiPyramidswbDiPyramid

Additional commands:

wbOptions. To see the main log, set up the threading model, control the maximum time a single operation is allowed to take, and set options for the Loop subdivision scheme (to use Loop’s receipt or Warren-Weimer’s one).

wbProperties. Opens a window with topological information about any mesh object in Rhino. Exposes triangular and quad face counts, edge count, current and welded vertex counts.

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